Considerations regarding legal liability in the matter of insolvency


  • Gabriel Mihai Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania - Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences


insolvency, liability, debtor, administrator, syndic judge


The insolvency procedure involves a special legal liability characterized by a combination of the general conditions of tortious civil liability and the special conditions provided by the Insolvency Law. Attracting legal liability is the expression of the principle of liability for the debts of the legal entity debtor, to which the members of the management, administration and supervision bodies of the legal entity are responsible, as well as any other persons who caused the insolvency of the debtor with regard to the facts expressly provided for and limited by law The exact determination of the liability and implicitly, the extent of the liability of the persons who caused the state of insolvency is carried out by the syndic judge on the basis of the administered evidence.



How to Cite

Mihai, G. (2023). Considerations regarding legal liability in the matter of insolvency. Ars Aequi, 12(1), 20–28. Retrieved from



Private Law