Social perception of online courses during the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Ioana-Maria Sofica Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania - Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences


educational institutions, Covid-19 pandemic, online courses, digital technologies, anxiety


The new disease of the corona virus has spread rapidly around the world, which is why many countries have ordered the closure of all educational institutions. These institutions have reached a functional impasse, wanting to protect students who are in a socializing community from viral exposures. The current situation has a detrimental effect on the mental health of people around the world. Many students reported suffering from depression, anxiety, suffering. Such psychological problems often prevent students from adapting to online education. Moreover, not all students have equal access to and experience in digital technologies. Although these inequalities existed earlier, the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated this digital divide. Technological progress has grown, and teachers need to be trained on how to use online content design tools so that courses become interactive and enjoyable. Students are concerned about both the pandemic in general and their careers. Lack of motivation and negative emotions make it difficult to focus on online courses. At the same time, teachers report dysfunctions in terms of the following learning support activities: authentic communication, human relationships and intensified emotions.



How to Cite

Sofica, I.-M. (2022). Social perception of online courses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ars Aequi, 11(1). Retrieved from


