The right to participate and the right to free association in the online environment
globalization, participation, free association, online environment, e-government, pandemic COVID-19, dematerialization of law, limitationAbstract
We notice a continuous trend of digitization of all possible systems: educational, economic, legal, etc. Thus, I consider it imperative to approach the subject related to the manifestation of some fundamental rights, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova itself, in the online environment. My presentation highlights the need for knowledge, there are possibilities to manifest the right to participate and the right to associate in the online environment, especially now, when we are not in a complicated pandemic situation, when these rights are limited by restricting the number of people in a room / space.
How to Cite
Tamazlîcaru, A. (2022). The right to participate and the right to free association in the online environment. Ars Aequi, 11(1). Retrieved from